Board of Trustees Elections General Information
The Navarro College District Board of Trustees consists of seven members who are elected by the citizens of Navarro County. The seven elected trustees consist of one trustee from each Navarro County Commissioner’s Precinct and three by place (at-large). The elected positions are six-year terms. A candidate for trustee representing a county precinct district must be a resident of that precinct he or she seeks to represent. Candidates for at-large trustee positions must be residents of Navarro County. All eligible voters of Navarro County vote on all trustees. Board elections are held in May of odd-numbered years. The next election will be in May of 2025.
May 2025 Election
The candidate filing period for the May 3, 2025, trustee election starts Wednesday, January 15, 2025, and ends on Friday, February 14, 2025. Any candidate wishing to file for a place on the general election ballot for the May 3, 2025 trustee election must do so within that time period.
Order of General Election for Other Political Subdivisions (PDF)
Office of the Vice President of Finance and Filing Officer
Phone: (903) 875-7645 or (903) 875-7313
Email: Vice President of Finance