The Navarro College Libraries provide an environment for research and scholarship in support of the academic programs of Navarro College. Navarro College Libraries’ collections and services are developed for the support of students, faculty, and staff of the college. Therefore, not all materials may be appropriate for K-12 students.
The library operates in an adult, unsupervised environment for the purpose of academic research. While this environment is not intended for children, they are welcome under the following conditions:
1. A parent, sponsor, or adult caregiver must accompany children under the age of 14 who are not enrolled in a Navarro College program.
2. It is the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility to determine whether the material their child is reading, viewing, or listening to is appropriate for their child.
3. Parents and adult caregivers are responsible for the conduct of the children under their supervision and must monitor their activities and behavior while they are in the library. Children are expected to follow all library policies and procedures.
4. High school age students not participating in college programs may utilize library facilities without supervision as long as they meet the behavioral standards expected of Navarro College students.
Library staff cannot oversee unescorted or unsupervised children, nor be responsible for their safety. If an unescorted child comes to the attention of library personnel, staff will evaluate the situation and try to contact a parent or caregiver at the library. If the adult responsible for the child’s welfare is not present, a staff member will contact the Navarro College Police Department to report the situation and seek assistance.
If you have questions about this policy please contact:
Tim Kevil, Dean of Libraries
(903) 875-7443