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Griselda Cardona, '19
We are shining a spotlight on Griselda because she chose to return to NC to successfully complete her Nursing degree after dropping out of the program twice.
Background: She first started at Navarro in 2013 and was accepted to the ADN program in 2015
“My 4-year-old daughter became ill around finals and was in the hospital for 2 weeks. I ended up not passing my summer 2016 semester and had to test back in for it. I successfully made it back in and my daughter was healthy. Then, in my last semester of nursing school, I had some family issues happen while trying to juggle school, work, being mom and wife. The stress interfered with my grades and I did not pass the final semester by only 2 points. At this point I was ready to give up, realizing I failed once more especially it being my last semester. I went through the whole grieving process, prayed and just left it all to God. I decided not to give up and that I had to prove to myself that I can do this. Quitting was not an option. I spoke with ADN Program Director Mrs. Arteaga and was able to test back in to be part of the 2019 class. I passed all 3 re-entry exams and was once again admitted in the ADN program. This time I was going to graduate! I prayed for this and was giving it my all and my grades showed. Everything was going great, and then I got the most devastating moment ever in my personal life. I cried and prayed like never before. I could not let this ruin my future career. I spoke to the ADN staff and I am so grateful for the encouraging words and support they have shown me in these tough moments. I have continued to pass my exams and will be graduating. The third time was a charm and I thank God for giving me the strength and not letting me give up. I look at my daughter and she gives me that extra push I need to show her to never give up. No matter how long it takes, if you have a goal and dream chase it until you make it a reality. The ADN staff has become like family to me. All of these instructors are amazing and I am so grateful they never gave up me. They are always available to be a shoulder to cry on and they will give me advice that will help me grow and lift my spirits up.”
Impactful NC Instructors: “I will forever be thankful to Mrs. Heather Hall for being the professor that has pushed me to give it my all and she has not given up on me. My clinical instructor Mrs. Renee O’Daniel, has lifted me up in prayer and gives me such encouraging advice. Mrs. Julie Arteaga gave me the opportunity to come back to the program, cheers me on and never gave up on me. She has cried with me through these difficult situations and I know I can always walk in her office and talk and walk out feeling better.”
Future plans: Pursue her Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing at the University of Texas at Arlington
Learn more about our Nursing program »
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